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Supermarket Refrigeration,Walk Ins,Freezer Glass Door

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Glass Door Applications in Cold Rooms

In the food industry and retail industry, cold rooms have a wide applications for food display and sales, Speaking of display, it is easy to think of glass door, yes, cold room with glass doors is very popular for displaying …

Mini Cold Room in retail industry

Mini Cold Room is a kind of cold store with smart and compact shape that widely used in retail and other industry.  It is easy to install, easy to operate and has less auxiliary equipment.

Combo walk in freezer & walk in cooler, walk in cold room for supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, hotel

Walk in Freezer and walk in cooler are Suitable for a variety of industry applications for cold storage, such as supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, hotel, etc. If you need to stock fruits & vegetables, beverage, frozen meat & seafood, produce,etc,walk …

Walk in Cooler Applications

Walk in Cooler , as the name shows it is a cooler that allows you to walk in. So you can get idea that bigger size and at least one door for peopele walk in.

Supermarket Fridge, Supermarket Freezer

Supermarket Fridge  includes 4/5/6 door self contained reach in cooler ,freezer  –ART refrigeration professional supplier for more than 20 years.  

What’s different of glass door from Advanced Refrigeration Technology (II)

To give a large clear view, except for using Super Sapcer to keep no fog in the internal of IG unit (as mentioned in the previous article), the second key factor is to keep there is no fog on out surface of glass door. To achieve this, we use FSI superior quality anti-fog film, meanwhile heating the glass and door frame.

What’s different of glass door from ART Tech (I)

Ultra Energy Efficiency and wide clear view Glass Door. To save energy and give a clear view, we need a superior insulating glass panel.What makes an insulating glass superior, the key point is spacer.

What is cold room ?

The Cold room is built by polyurethane sandwich panels, It is prefabricated cold room,easy to mount and to disassemble or enlarge if necessary.

Brief Overview Of Supermarket Refrigeration Options

There is a saying that the choice of food depends as much on visual appeal as on taste.The supermarket refrigeration equipment must be designed in a way that displays the foods in an attractive manner.

Common classifications of PU panel

Here we introduce some common classifications of PU panel. According to the use, it can be divided into: PU house panel, PU wall panel, PU cold storage panel.

Ultra Energy Efficiency And Wide Clear View Glass Door for Supermarket Freezer

For Supermarket freezer, large clear view and high energy effiency are very important. Glass door is the key point to achieve this goal.

7 refrigeration tips to save retailers money

This article is from Supermarket News on how to save retailers money.